I'm most excited for the Goodwill Bins, should be fun!

There will be pictures a plenty when I get back, but let's hope the thrifting gods look down on me with love...

Here's a little bit of trip inspiration!

photos: elikan, lestyle, flickr, stylemob, caliselect.
that dress is so cute! so sailor-moon ish
Have fun. I love road trips.
Have an excellent time! Good luck with the thrifting :)
I love Oregon! It's so green and lush!
ohh have fun!! bring back goodies!
Ooh Oregon! I;m taking a roadtrip up there around the 4th of July. It's so fun, I love it there. It's one of my favorite places. Have fun!
I wish we have a goodwill store here! In Singapore, our thrift stores don't have much shoes but lots & lots of slippers! Good luck on finding good stuffs & please update your findings! :D
your second outfit is so cute! love the polka dot skirt =]
Oh have fun! Where are you going? I live in Portland.
Good luck with Goodwill! I would suggest the flasghip store (idk what they're called, the main one) it's really good for finding great things. That is, if you're going ot Portland.
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