Friday, December 31, 2010


I don't know what I'm wearing tonight. We are going to a New Year's party with 50's/60's music, so it will have to be danceable! I wish I had this exact outfit from NYE 1941 that I found on flickr. I love every last detail, especially those little stars!

What are your plans for tonight?


Louise said...

I have no idea what I'm wearing tonight either, but your dream outfit is utterly amazing. Oh, to be 1940 again!

Anonymous said...

Very cute.!

we love that time era
Its probably cause we're retro junkies half the time.

But we're planning on partying/living it up! and going to church this new year.!

Raj said...

That's such a great theme for a party! Fantastically fashionable era
Happy new year!
Can't wait to see what you get up to in the coming year
Wish you the best for 2011


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