Wednesday, August 31, 2011

XL Model Search!

I'm not big on contests that involve being judged on your looks, but this one actually caught my attention. I think it's interesting that American Apparel is finally featuring items in XL. I don't know about you, but I've always found that their clothing runs quite small. I'm hopeful for some easier shopping...

If you would like to vote for me (the contest ends on my birthday, and what a wonderful present that would be!) you can do so here!

American Apparel bodysuit.
H&M dress (as a skirt).
Ecote wedges.


Rebecca Jane said...

I am totally voting for you! Also - looking pretty darn fabulous in this outfit, I have to say. Those shoes are amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Done and done!
Can you vote multiple times?

Mila said...

I hope you win :)

hannah and landon said...

Voted! <3 Good luck!


You look amazing.

Chante. said...

LOVE THE SHOES!!! where did u get them from????

Unknown said...

those shoes..... OMG! i want!!! x

Danielle's Blog said...

I voted for you! Good luck! You will be a nice addition to their models because we need more diversity in race and body shapes out there to model apparel.

Unknown said...

Voted, you look great, nice to see you in such a different look. said...

:] This is muy sexy. Love, love the the body suit and the body con skirt. The wedges are super adorable too! Good luck in the contest!

Unknown said...

1. It IS about damn time that American Apparel started doing XL sizes and featuring different types of women as models.
2. I totally voted for you!
3. You look extra fierce in these photos
4. Those shoes made me hear angels sing.

Unknown said...

Yes indeed! Let us know when you win (bet you will w i n !)

Anonymous said...

Super cute outfit! Totally voting for you, I hope you win!

sophie said...

Fierce <3

Rachel said...

Whoa mama, you've got some fabulous cleavage ;-)

Good luck in the contest!

Anonymous said...

Girl you have my vote, pimped your link on FB & twitter too. Totally impressed by your confidence and gorgeous look!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

You look amazing! I love those shoes. I've always admired you for your boldness and confidence; so many curvy girls unfortunately feel like they can't rock a creative style, but you totally disprove that theory! =)

Anonymous said...

I love this outfit! I'm about to vote and I hope you win!

Clara-J said...

I voted you! You really deserve to win! Good luck! =D

Ripped Jeans and Green Tea said...

you look hot!! i have this same skirt and i don't know how to wear it for daytime without looking like i'm going to a club any ideas
btw hope you win

Rococo Le Monde said...

Wow! This is most definitely, my favorite! You are smokin' in this, love those funky shoes too

Jen said...

and those shoes are mad dope.

J x

Unknown said...

your wedges are AMAZING!



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