Friday, August 15, 2014

Really Got A Hold On Me.

My heart is heavy this week. Between the passing of Robin Williams and what's happening in Ferguson, my mind is swirling from the ignorance that has a vile stronghold on our society.  Solidarity, friends; we keep on keepin' on. Stay safe.

Vintage silk blazer, sunglasses | Gap tee
Thrifted shorts | Steve Madden sandals


Joana Gomes said...

I love your kimono. Quite sad myself about all the current events going on. So depressing!

Joana x

Unknown said...

The world is a mess right now and I'm so sad about it but on a positive note you look just stunning!

sweet bean said...

Thank you for speaking on it. So much happening right now has been leaving me pretty blue, but my feelings are probably nothing compared to the people experiencing it first hand...

Mariah said...

Beautiful blazer. You have the most amazing vintage finds! And I know how you feel. It makes me sad for humanity when I hear about these things.

Theatricality by Mariah


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